NDT Products calibration and repair department is ISO 9001 certified
Keeping your NDT equipment properly calibrated is absolutely critical. It ensures accuracy, reliability, compliance and repeatability. It is also required to meet the many stringent requirements of the aerospace, nuclear, oil & gas and many other industries.
Here at Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) Products Limited, our knowledgeable and friendly staff have a history of providing accurate, timely calibrations on a wide range of equipment.

Performed either in-house or on-site, we can calibrate the following:
- Shunt Meters (Digital and Analog)
- Magnetic Field Parallel Indicators (Calibration Type)
- Water Pressure Gauges (up to 200 PSI)
- Air Pressure Gauges (Up to 200 PSI)
- Digital and Analog White Light Meters
- Ultraviolet / Blacklight Meters
- Stop Watches (Digital)
- Quick Break Testers (QBTs)
- Refractometers
- Densitometers
- Digital Thickness Meters
- OES Analyzers
- Hand Held XRF Analyzers
- Ultrasonic Equipment
- Hardness Testers
- Magnetic Yokes
- Film viewers
- and more!